Thursday, March 8, 2012

no show any more

i have found out that discovery channel is no longer playing the show hogs gone wild. i do not know if they will resume it some other time. i do not know the reason that the show was cancled. i would imagin it is because there was not enough viewers

Thursday, May 26, 2011

feral hogs

these baby feral hog may look cute but when it gets big it causes alot of damage.
feral hogs are extremely dangerous. They will attack any thing. They will even eat about anything in sight. That is why they are so big. There so big it takes two guys to get one down.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

the hog catching team

The people who catch the hogs are good. They help people get hogs off there land that are hurting their animals. The people who catch the hogs job is dangerous. It is because they have to get up close to the hogs and they could get bitten vary bad. The team can not use guns to kill the hog when they catch them because that would let the other hogs know their there and the pigs would go hide. So that makes there job more dangerous because they can't shoot the pigs if it starts to charge them. That is why there job is dangerous.

the dogs

The dogs play a big part in catching a hog. What the dogs do is run to catch up with the hog and grab its neck. Then the dog holds the hog there until the team can get the hog and do what they want to do with.www.


Hogs are vary bad for a food chain. They destroy the food chain by eating animals and then the animal that eats the animal the hog eats has no food. That can be vary bad for a ecosystem. That is why hogs are bad and that is why there are people who catch the hogs.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the hogs

this is a big hog

fast facts

Here are some facts you may have not know.

Hogs can run up to 30 mph (miles per hour)
The hogs can weigh up to 800 pounds